Guide V.02- February 2025
May, 6th 2024
Article 1 - General Information
Date: Wednesday, April 9th, Thursday April 10th, Friday, April 11th, Saturday, April 12th and Sunday, April 13th, 2025.
Distances: 10k, 21k, 42k, 70k, 110k, 100Mi (miles) and PRVertical.
Location: San Martin de los Andes, Province of Neuquén, Argentina.
Start Line:
Wednesday 9th: 10k, 21k and PRVertical, start and finish line at the Chapelco Ski Resort base.
Thursday 10th: 42k race, start and finish line at the Chapelco Ski Resort base.
Friday 11th: 100Mi: Start Line at the Chapelco Ski Resort base.
110k: start from Plaza de Armas”, 4th Cavalry Regiment “Coraceros General Lavalle” (RCM4)
Saturday 12th: 70k, start from Plaza de Armas”, 4th Cavalry Regiment “Coraceros General Lavalle” (RCM4)
Finish Line: 70k, 110k and 100Mi at the Civic Center of San Martín de los Andes.
Article 2 – Preliminary Considerations
This race takes place within Lanín National Park and its surrounding mountains and tracks. One of the key factors for success is clearly the magnificent scenery embracing the race. Therefore, local people and tourists are responsible for preserving this place. For this reason, we ask that you do not litter during the race and that instead you carry it to the Aid Stations or to the Finish Line. There will be garbage containers at the Aid Stations as well as 100 meters down the trail. Any runner who is caught by the Organization throwing garbage outside the places authorized for this purpose, will be disqualified. This decision is final.
Please be polite and respectful towards residents and neighbors, as they help to make this event possible, and with the wild, rural and urban environment. Always use toilets set up by the race organizers.
Trail and ultra-Trail races require a level of fitness that may take months, or even years of training. Besides having the medical certificate that states that the participant has no physical handicaps or conditions and is fit to participate in the race they have registered for, each participant is responsible for their proper training for this type of race, and for being duly informed of the risks this activity entails, in order to enjoy Patagonia Run experience fully.
At online technical briefings offered by the organization team at, runners will receive detailed information on technical aspects of the race course, preparation for weather and geographic factors, distances, altimetry, Aid and control Stations, mandatory elements and other recommendations they need in order to minimize risks end enjoy their experience fully. Such briefings are mandatory, as the information provided is crucial to all runners. Attending them to geta all the necessary information is stated in these Rules and Regulations, which all participants must know and agree to.
Article 3 – General Considerations
a) Patagonia Run 2025 is organized by Spartan Race S.A.U.
b) The Race Directors will ensure compliance of these rules by all runners and decide on any issues related to the competition. All inquiries regarding course characteristics, competition, official times, etc. should be submitted to Patagonia Run Directors via email to
c) Any controversy related to the timing of a runner, or compliance to the race Regulations will be resolved irrevocably by the Race Director.
d) This is a trail run event, where courses in the mountain may be frequently modified for different reasons. Therefore, distances for each category are approximate and not exact.
e) The Race Directors may cancel and/or delay the competition due to public safety concerns, public acts, vandalism, weather conditions, pandemic and/or health reasons, and/or force majeure. If, for any reason unrelated to the Organization, including the reasons mentioned in the paragraph above, the race should be cancelled, all paid registration fees will be transferred at 100% to the next edition of the race, with no difference in cost for the participant. No fee reimbursements will be made.
f) Abnormal weather conditions or other unexpected event may force the Race Directors to modify the course, modify start times or cut-off times at the different points of the race for safety reasons, in which case, participants will be notified and informed of the new course. In the event of last minute changes, the modified course will be announced during the Pre-Race Briefing before the race. The race markings could also be modified during the competition for safety reasons. All changes will be clearly marked.
g) The Organization may prevent a participant from continuing to participate in the competition, if advised by the medical staff. The Organization can also make changes in distances, routes and schedules due to weather factors. Such decision will not give the participant the right to any claim to the Organization, sponsors and/or medical staff.
h) The Race Directors and Sponsors reserve the right to use, reproduce, distribute and/or publish pictures, movies, videos and/or any other form of recording of the participants, including social media and those belonging to Spartan circuit, without having to provide any type of financial compensation. All runners should interpret registration to the event as their consent to these terms.
i) Participation in the race implies that the runner takes responsibility for the information provided in the registration form, full acceptance to abide by the rules and the terms and conditions of the competition, as well as to comply with the registration fees.
j) Underage runners who have turned 12 years of age before the date of the race may participate in the 10k race. Those who have turned 14 years of age before the date of the race may participate in the 21k or PRVertical. With 16 years completed on the day of the race, participants can compete in the 42k category Junior. The Junior category is of a participatory nature and does not qualify for the General Prize Awards for the 42k, which are exclusively for participants over 18 years old.
In such case, a parent or legal guardian should sign both the registration form and the participant's waiver form. If the parent or legal guardian should not be present at accreditation, their signature will have to be notarized by a Public Notary.
Under no circumstance, those athletes under 18 years of age will be allowed to participate in the 70k, 110k and 100Mi, since there is still no worldwide medical agreement on the age minor can participate in Ultramarathon distances (70k, 110k and 100Mi) without damage to their health.
k) Registration conditions for 100Mi: These include mandatory Organization admittance for each athlete, according to his/her sports curriculum and at least one the following requirements:
1. 12 ITRA points obtained in no more than 3 races during 2023 – 2025. At least one of these races must be of non-stop 110k or more .
2. Having finished any of the following races:
- Patagonia Run 110k 2023 or 2024 in official qualification time.
- Patagonia Run 100Mi 2023 or 2024.
3. Having finished any Ultratrail race belonging in the Spartan Trail Worlds Championship during 2023.
4. Having finished between 2023 and 2025 any other non-stop race to the above mentioned in 2), similar in length and altimetry. In this case, runners need to include race finishing timing (race results internet links) as proof in the pre-registration form when applying for admittance to the Organization Committee.
l) Runners who have been suspended, or who have been found to have used forbidden substances, or who are serving a disqualification period imposed by any Confederation or Federation may not participate in the race.
m) The Organization reserves its right of admission and stay in the race.
n) The Race Directors reserve the right to refuse admission to participants who have been penalized in previous editions of this race or in any race organized by TMX Team and/or NQN Eventos and/or Spartan Race S.A.U. and/or are part of Spartan Trail circuit.
o) Runners who tamper with their race number will be disqualified. Such number must be worn during all the race course, clearly visible in the front part of their t-shirt, sweatshirt or jacket.
p) The organization will time all runners, through the use of chips or manual system.In order to classify as a finisher, all runners will have to pass through the rubber mats at the starting line, at all Check Points and Aid Stations (PAS) and at the Finish Line. The chip time is only referential. The time used for classification is the total time from the start of the corresponding race.
q) Outside support by family and friends is not allowed at the Aid Stations or at any other part of the course. Race Directors will place their own support staff. Runners will be responsible for rejecting any unauthorized assistance.
Exclusive for 100Mi: participants of this distance may have one (1) person as external assistance. This assistance will be allowed, exclusively, in the one (1) station determined by the organization. This assistant must be accredited by the runner during the accreditation process. The implementation of this external assistance is detailed in the 100Mi Participant Guide.
There will be 3 Full Aid Stations for 100Mi, 2 for 110k and 1 for 42k and 70k races. Runners can take their personal items to these stations.
Participants are limited to one drop bag per full aid station. Drop bags will be provided by the Race Organization and should weight no more than 3 kgs (6.6 pounds), with the exception of the 100Mi bag that goes to PAS Colorado, which may weigh up to 5 kgs. Weigh will be controlled at reception.
Bags will not be refrigerated. The Organization Team is not to be held responsible for the loss of any bags or its content.
r) Only runners completing the full course for their distance will be included in the race ranking.
s) Runners who do not complete the full distance will be ranked as DNF (Did not finish). Nos partial distance certifications will be granted. For instance, if a participant registered for 110k completes only 70k of that course, they will not be ranked fir the 70k distance. Runners completing the race after the Finish line Cut-off time will be ranked as “FINISHER outside Ranking”, even if they have crossed the finishing line.
t) If any runner notices another participant is in trouble, they must notify the Organization.
u) Runners who drop out of the race have the obligation to inform the Race Directors. Drop-outs should only be notified at the Aid Stations, the start line or the finish line. Marshals or any other staff member outside these stations are not authorized to put on record any drop out notice. Drop-out notice to the organization is crucial, otherwise the runner may be considered lost, thus causing big trouble.
v) Runners must inform the Organization of any medical treatment they are under, and show certificates or prescriptions if taking any medication. Such situations must be informed via email to
Article 4 - Registration
a) Registration is subject to availability and should be done online at
b) Registration procedures, deadlines, fees - Total amount expressed as: 20% registration fee - 80% race services, fees, canons and taxes -, and forms of payment are detailed at
Note: Failure to pay within the set due dates, could lead the Race Directors to void the pre-registration request without warning. Submission of the online registration form does not entail its confirmation. The only way to secure a place in the race is by payment of the full registration fee, which is always subject to availability.
c) Registration includes:
› Access to the chosen race (10k, 21k, 42k, 70k, 110k , 100Mi, PRVertical).
› Technical race t-shirt.
› Race number.
› Chip for time control and classification.
› Online Technical Briefings.
› Sponsor Products.
› Free Photo Shot.
› Expo Ultra Trail Patagonia Run.
› Food and hydration at aid stations.
› Medical assistance in case of emergency in the trail. If necessary, participants will be taken to the nearest hospital to continue with the first aids.
› Finisher medal for all runners who cross the Finish Line.
› Trophies for the winners, first 3 places in each category of 10k, 21k, 42k, 70k, 110k, 100Mi and Award for best time in the Male and Female category PRVertical.
› Pre/during and post-race services.
d) Should a runner be found to have given his or her place to another runner, the runner will be disqualified and both participants will be banned from any future events organized by Spartan Race S.A.U., or which are part of Spartan Train circuit.
e) Distance change may be applied for after registration, subject to availability in the new distance, and as long as fees are fully paid. There is an extra administration fee of A$R 15000 for Argentine runners, or U$S 15 for foreign runners.
If the new distance chosen is shorter, no refunds will be made for differences in fees.
If the new distance is longer, the runner will have to pay the difference in fees at the moment the change is decided, besides the administrative fee.
Distance changes can be self-managed from the runner profile until March 28th, 2025, subject to availability.
Article 5 – Registration Fee Refund Policy and/or Recognition of Discount for the Next Edition
a) According to Art. 34 of Consumer Protection Act 24.240, refund of registration fee may be applied for within 10 calendar days of the conclusion of the contract. Refunds should be applied for via email to
b) After the period specified in point a) above, registration fee is not refundable or transferrable, regardless of the reason.
c) In those cases where the participant notifies their wish to cancel registration, regardless of the reason, and the 10-day period specified in point a) of this article has passed, the Organization may grant them a discount in Patagonia Run 2026 registration fees exclusively, according to the following deadlines:
100% of the registration fee, if you report your non-participation until December 31st, 2024.
75% of the registration fee if you report your Non-participation between January 1st and January 31st, 2025.
50% of the registration fee, if you report your Non-participation between February 1st and February 28th, 2025.
25% of the registration fee, if you report your non-participation between March 1st and March 28th, 2025.
No percentage will be acknowledged after March 29th 2025.
Cancellation should be applied for via email to
Article 6 – Accreditation
a) Accreditation is personal, and will take place on Tuesday 8th, Wednesday 9th , Thursday 10th and Friday 11th, April 2025, in the town of San Martín de los Andes, at a place to be confirmed, and with a previous appointment obtained at
b) For accreditation and pick- up of the race packet, it is compulsory to provide the following documentation:
1. Original Photo ID or passport
2. Medical Certificate, stating: Name, surname and ID of the runner and text including that the runner is medically and physically fit to participate in the Patagonia Run, clarifying the distance.
It must have the date, the date must be the year 2025, signature and stamp of the doctor who issued it.
Note: Download Certificate Model here
Article 7 – Mandatory Equipment
a) Medical Certificate, for all distances, stating: Name, surname and ID of the runner and text: including that the runner is medically and physically fit to participate in the Patagonia Run, clarifying the distance of the chosen race. It must have the date, signature and stamp of the doctor who issued it.
Only certificates dated 2025 will be accepted for all distances.
b) It is mandatory that participants of all distances wear the assigned Bib number; which must be fastened to the front of the race t-shirt and which should be fully visible for all distances.
c) Runner bracelet. For all distances.
d) Emergency or signal whistle, mandatory for 21k, 42k, 70k, 110k, 100Mi and PRVertical races.
e) Headlamps or handheld flashlight 200 lumens or more for 42k 1 headlamp; 70k, 110k and 100Mi races 2 headlamps, taking the following into consideration:
IT IS MANDATORY FOR EACH RUNNER TO CARRY THE FLASHLIGHT THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE COURSE, regardless of whether it is day or night, ensuring their safety and preparedness for any eventuality. During the course, participants may be asked to show their safety equipment, including the flashlight. Those who do not have them will be disqualified and will not be allowed to continue on the course.
Runners who have their flashlight turned off or in red mode, or without the correct intensity during the established hours of flashlight usage, will not be allowed to continue in the race after 6:45 pm and will be delayed on the course until daybreak.
We will be uncompromising with the lighting requirement as it is a critical safety element.
Participants in the 100Mi must have one flashlight placed at the start for pre-race check-in. The second flashlight can be left inside the Drop Bags sent to one of the Total Assistance Aid Stations.
After the start, they must have the flashlight placed starting at 5:00 pm (either on Friday or Saturday), turned on from 6:45 pm, and keep it that way until 8:00 am.
Participants in the 110k race must start with one flashlight placed and turned on. The second flashlight can be left inside the Drop Bags sent to one of the Total Assistance Aid Stations.
After the start, they must keep the flashlight placed and turned on until 8:00 am. If they are still on the course at 5:00 pm on Saturday, they must put on the flashlights and turn them on at 6:45 pm.
Participants in the 70k race, If they are still on the course, starting at 5:00 pm, they must put on the flashlight and turn it on from 6:45 pm until the end of the race.
Participants in the 42k race: If they continue on the course after 5:00 pm, they must have the headlamp in place, and starting from 6:45 pm, it must be turned on.
f) Survival blanket for 110k and 100Mi.
g) Water bottles, soft flasks or hydration backpack: 1500 cm3 for 100Mi, 750 cm3 for 110k and PRVertical.
h) Personal cup/ glass for all distances. The organization will not provide cups at any hydration station.
i) If extremely low temperatures were forecasted in any part of the course and the Organization should consider it risky, they might require the following MANDATORY items in the runners` backpacks, for all distances:
› Long leggins or overpants.
› Windproof outer layer.
› Gloves.
› Fleece or like sweatshirt.
› Fleece or like shelter hat.
This requirement will be confirmed during the technical brief the day before the race.
Article 8 - Penalties
a) No participant should be accompanied by any motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle or any other type of vehicle. Neither should they be accompanied by a person for assistance throughout the course. If this occurs and is noticed by the Organization, such runner will be warned and penalized with 15 minutes. If the fault is repeated, they will be disqualified.
Disqualification may be notified to the runner during or after the race (and for 10 days after the end of the race), after proper analysis of the circumstances of the fault.
b) Penalty for Inappropriate Conduct by Family or Friends: Any runner whose family or friends fail to respect the Organization's instructions, enter restricted areas, or behave inappropriately towards other runners, Organization members, or the environment will be penalized. Penalties may range from a 15-minute time penalty to disqualification, depending on the severity of the offense or recurrence.
We will particularly enforce strict measures against individuals who disrespect Organization members in any circumstance.
The Organization reserves the right to take necessary measures to ensure order, safety, and respect during the event. This includes, but is not limited to, expulsion from the competition area and prohibition from participating in future events.
Any disputes related to the enforcement of this clause will be resolved by the Organizing Committee, whose decision will be final and binding.
By participating in the race, all runners agree to abide by the provisions of this regulation and adhere to the Organization's decisions regarding the conduct of their family or friends.
c) Runners may aid each other without incurring in any penalties.
d) Exclusive for 100Mi: participants of this distance may have one (1) person as external assistance. This assistance will be allowed, exclusively, in the one (1) station determined by the organization. This assistant must be accredited by the runner during the accreditation process. The implementation of this external assistance is detailed in the 100Mi Participant Guide.
e) Runners who incur in any unsporting behavior, or who fail to comply with the instructions given by the Race Directors and/or breach these rules shall be disqualified. Any controversy over classification of a participant or compliance with the regulations will be decided on irrevocably by the Race Director.
f) Any runner who is caught by the Organization throwing garbage outside the places authorized for this purpose, will be disqualified. This decision is final.
g) Detection of any substances included in WADA's list will lead to immediate disqualification and banning from future editions of the race.
h) Forbidden Substances: The Prohibited List (list of prohibited substances and methods) is based on WADA's list (World Anti-Doping Agency). Such list can be found
Article 9 - Categories
Male from 18 to 29 years of age - Female from 18 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 years of age onwards - Female from 60 years of age onwards
Male from 18 to 29 years of age - Female from 18 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 years of age onwards - Female from 60 years of age onwards
Male from 18 to 29 years of age - Female from 18 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 years of age onwards - Female from 60 years of age onwards
Junior* male from 16 to 17 years of age - Junior* female from 16 to 17 years of age
Male from 18 to 29 years of age - Female from 18 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 to 69 years of age - Female from 60 to 69 years of age
Male from 70 years of age onwards - Female from 70 years of age onwards
Junior male from 14 to 19 years of age - Junior female from 14 to 19 years of age
Male from 20 to 29 years of age - Female from 20 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 to 69 years of age - Female from 60 to 69 years of age
Male from 70 years of age onwards - Female from 70 years of age onwards
Junior male from 12 to 19 years of age - Junior female from 12 to 19 years of age
Male from 20 to 29 years of age - Female from 20 to 29 years of age
Male from 30 to 39 years of age - Female from 30 to 39 years of age
Male from 40 to 49 years of age - Female from 40 to 49 years of age
Male from 50 to 59 years of age - Female from 50 to 59 years of age
Male from 60 to 69 years of age - Female from 60 to 69 years of age
Male from 70 years of age onwards - Female from 70 years of age onwards
Male - Female
Note 1: All ages shall be considered as of 12-31-2025.
Note 2: Runners who have turned 12 before April 9th, 2025 may participate in the 10k race.
Note 3: Runners who have turned 14 before April 9th, 2025 may participate in the 21k and PRVertical.
Note 4: Runners who have turned 16 before April 10th, 2025 may participate in the 42k race, in the Junior category.
*This Category does not participate in the 42k General Awards, whose prizes are only for those over 18 years old.
Note 5: Runners who have turned 18 before April 12th, 2025 may participate in the 70k race.
Note 6: Runners who have turned 18 before April 11th, 2025 may participate in the 110k and 100Mi races.
Article 10 – Awards
100Mi | 110k | 70k | 42k | 21k | 10k General Category
• Trophies for the first three places the General Male and Female classification of each of these distances.
100Mi | 110k | 70k | 42k | 21k | 10k Age Categories
• Medal for the first three places in each age Category, Male and Female.
• Prize for the best time in Male and Female category.
Important: For the award ceremony, runners already awarded prizes in General will not be considered in the age category Awards, so the more runners can access podiums.
Article 11 - Inquiries
Patagonia Run 2025
Phone +54 2972 420949
Patagonia Run website and social media are considered official means of communication:
YouTube Patagonia Run
Participants can check on our news regularly at, for updates on Registration, schedules, runner guide, etc.
Article 12 - Tourist Packs
Lodging and Airport transport reservations: