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SUNDAY, APRIL 6th, 2025

» Technical briefings in our YouTube channel or 

MONDAY, APRIL 7th, 2025

06:00 pm
» Video streaming to answer questions about Pre-Race Briefing. 

TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, 2025

Starting from 09:00 with assigned appointment
» Accreditation PRVertical, 10k and 21k.

Race Office – Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St. – San Martín de los Andes.
Online booking appointments available from the last week of March 2025.

10:00 am to 09:00 pm 
» Free Photo Shot.
» Expo Ultra Trail Patagonia Run.  

Lácar Club, 599 Rivadavia St. and Perito Moreno St.


08:00 am
» PRVertical Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

09:00 am
» 21k Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

Starting from 09:00 with assigned appointment
» Accreditation 42k.

Race Office – Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St. – San Martín de los Andes.
Online booking appointments available from the last week of March 2025.

Starting from 09:30 with assigned appointment
» Reception of 42k drop bags for the Full Aid Stations.

Casino Suboficiales y Gendarmes Escuadrón 33- Corner Tte. Gral. Roca St. and Rivadavia St.

09:30 am
» PRVertical START TIME.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

10:00 am to 09:00 pm 
» Free Photo Shot.
» Expo Ultra Trail Patagonia Run.

Lácar Club, 599 Rivadavia St. and Perito Moreno St.

10:30 am
» 10k Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

10:30 am to 06:30 pm
» PRVertical, 21k and 10k Cloakroom pick-up.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

11:00* am

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

11:30 am
» PRVertical Awards Ceremony.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

12:15* pm

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

12:30 pm to 06:30 pm
» 10k and 21k FINISHING LINE.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

02:00 pm
» General Category 21k and 10k Awards Ceremony.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

03:00 pm
» Age Categories 10k Awards Ceremony.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

04:00 pm
» Age Categories 21k Awards Ceremony.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

06:30 pm
» 10k and 21k Finish Line closing.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.  

THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 2025

07:00 am
» 42k Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

08:30* am

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

Starting from 09:00 with assigned appointment
» Accreditation 100Mi and 110k.

Race Office – Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St. – San Martín de los Andes.
Online booking appointments available from the last week of March 2025.

Starting from 09:30 with assigned appointment
» Reception of 100Mi and 110k drop bags for Full Aid Stations.

Casino Suboficiales y Gendarmes Escuadrón 33- Corner Tte. Gral. Roca St. and Rivadavia St.

10:00 am to 09:00 pm
» Free Photo Shot.
» Expo Ultra Trail Patagonia Run.

Lácar Club, 599 Rivadavia St. and Perito Moreno St.

10:00 am to 08:30 pm
» 42k Cloakroom pick-up.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

11:45 am to 08:00 pm

Chapelco Ski Resort base. 

01:00 pm
» General Category 42k Awards Ceremony 

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

04:00 pm
» Age Categories 42k Awards Ceremony 

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

08:00 pm
» 42k Finish Line closing.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

FRIDAY, APRIL 11th, 2025

Starting from 09:00 with assigned appointment
» Accreditation 100Mi, 110k and 70k.

Race Office – Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St. – San Martín de los Andes.
Online booking appointments available from the last week of March 2025.

Starting from 09:30 with assigned appointment
» Reception of 100Mi, 110k and 70k drop bags for the Full Aid Stations.

Casino Suboficiales y Gendarmes Escuadrón 33- Corner Tte. Gral. Roca St. and Rivadavia St.

09:30 am to 07:00 pm
» 42k Drop Bags Pick-up.

Casino Suboficiales y Gendarmes Escuadrón 33- Corner Tte. Gral. Roca St. and Rivadavia St.

10:00 am to 09:00 pm 
» Free Photo Shot.
» Expo Ultra Trail Patagonia Run.

Lácar Club, 599 Rivadavia St. and Perito Moreno St.

01:00 pm
» 100Mi Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

02:30* pm
» 100 Miles START TIME.

Chapelco Ski Resort base.

07:30 pm
» 110k Runners Reception and Cloakroom.

RCM4 Troop Ranch.

09:00* pm
» 110k START TIME.

“Plaza de Armas”, 4th Cavalry Regiment “Coraceros General Lavalle” (RCM4) – Regimiento de Caballería Ave., Route 62.

SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, 2025

07:00 am
» 70k runners Reception and Cloakroom.

RCM4 Troop Ranch.

08:30* am

“Plaza de Armas”, 4th Cavalry Regiment “Coraceros General Lavalle” (RCM4) – Regimiento de Caballería Ave., Route 62.

10:00 am to 08:00 am on Sunday
» 100Mi, 110k and 70k FINISHING LINE.

San Martín Ave. and Tte Coronel Pérez St., San Martín Square

11:00 am to 09:00 am (on Sunday)
» 100Mi, 110k and 70k Cloakroom pick-up

Race Office – Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St. – San Martín de los Andes.

SUNDAY, APRIL 13th, 2025

08:00 am
» 100Mi, 110k and 70k Finish Line closing.

San Martín Ave. and Tte Coronel Pérez St., San Martín Square

9:00 am to 6:00 pm
» Runner Assistance Race Office.

Le Village Events Center - 816, Gral. Roca St.

09:30 am to 6:00 pm
» 100Mi, 110k and 70k Drop Bags and Cloakroom Pick-up.

Lácar Club, 599 Rivadavia St. and Perito Moreno St.

10:00 am
» 70k Awards Ceremony.

San Martín Square.

10:30 am
» 110k Awards Ceremony.

San Martín Square.

11:00 am
» 100Mi Awards Ceremony.

San Martín Square.

* Starts will be organized according to a "pen" pre-start system: each runner will be informed at accreditation of their "pen" time, according to the estimated race time they have informed at registration.